A competitive analysis was made to study different approaches to the tasks that emerged. Two of the most popular apps focused solely on food intake are Lifesum and Lose It! (Fig. 1). Fitbit and Samsung Health (Fig. 1) have a more holistic approach and are one of the most popular health & fitness apps.
Figure 1. MyFitnessPal’s competitor landscape.
Lifesum – Onboarding, Food Diary & Extra Features
User’s Health Summary
Search and Bar Code Scanner
Meal List
Add water intake
Graphs and Charts
Goal Achieved
Food Rating
Educational Pieces
Upgrading Plan
Food Diary 1
Food Diary 2
Food Diary 3
Food Diary 4
Food Diary 5
On-boarding 1
On-boarding 2
On-boarding 3
On-boarding 4
On-boarding 5
On-boarding 6
On-boarding 7
On-boarding 8
Figure 2. Screenshots of Lifesum’s onboarding process, food diary and extra features.
Lose It! – Onboarding, Food Diary & Extra Features
On-boarding 1
On-boarding 2
Food Diary 1
Food Diary 2
Food Diary 3
Food Diary 4
Food Diary 5
Food Diary 6
Premium Offer
Extra Tips
Achieved Goal
Figure 3. Screenshots of Lose It!’s onboarding process, food diary and extra features.
Samsung Health – Onboarding, Food Diary & Extra Features
Food Diary 1
Food Diary 2
Food Diary 3
Food Diary 4
On-boarding 1
On-boarding 2
On-boarding 3
On-boarding 4
Macro nutrients
Daily Information
Figure 4. Screenshots of Samsung Health’s onboarding process, food diary and extra features.
Fitbit – Onboarding, Food Diary & Extra Features
Food Diary 1
Food Diary 2
Food Diary 3
Food Diary 4
Food Diary 5
On-boarding 1
On-boarding 2
On-boarding 3
On-boarding 4
On-boarding 5
On-boarding 6
Food Plan
Goal Achievement
Overlay Menu
Water Intake
Figure 5. Screenshots of Fitbit’s onboarding process, food diary and extra features.
MyFitnessPal – Onboarding, Food Diary & Extra Features
Menu Options
More Menu Options
Recent Food List
Targeted Ads
Food Diary 1
Food Diary 2
Food Diary 3
Food Diary 4
Food Diary 5
Food Diary 6
On-boarding 1
On-boarding 2
On-boarding 3
On-boarding 4
On-boarding 5
On-boarding 6
On-boarding 7
On-boarding 8
On-boarding 9
Figure 6. Screenshots of MyFitnessPal’s onboarding process, food diary and extra features.
The tasks that emerged were the onboarding process and logging food into the diary. A Crazy Eights was performed (Fig. 1) for each of the tasks to generate design ideas (Levey, 2016). The results were then evaluated, and the suitable solutions were selected for the next stage of prototyping.
Onboarding 1
Onboarding 2
Onboarding 3
Onboarding 4
Onboarding 5
Onboarding 6
Onboarding 7
Onboarding 8
Food logging 1
Food logging 2
Food logging 3
Figure 1. Onboarding and food logging processes.
Based on user research, the task of logging food into the diary is the most common task. Improving the experience in this process could potentially solve the issues declared in the problem statement. Consequently, the redesign process would only be made on the logging food task leaving the on-boarding process out of the scope of this project.
An evaluation of the current MyFitnessPal with the task of logging food was also performed (Video 1).
Video 1. Usability test with the production version of MyFitnessPal.
During the initial prototypes, the idea of a bot appeared (Fig. 1 – Food Logging 1) along with the camera being able to display calories (Fig. 1 – Food Logging 2).
The goal of creating a bot is to solve other pain points identified during the research:
Users feel the app is impersonal.
Users don’t see improvements.
Users forget the app has been installed.
After gathering suitable solutions for the chosen task, a more elaborate paper prototype emerged (Fig. 2). The ability to enter food by different methods were added to fit various times of the day from the user perspective: text entry, barcode entry, voice entry and photo entry.
Loading screen
Meal selection
Visual aid to help users to add food
Bot entry
Bot interaction
Bot interaction
Camera entry
Camera screen
List of different items detected
Swipe to add food
Item added
Barcode entry
Camera input of barcode
Manual entry of barcode
Detected item via barcode
Figure 2. More elaborated paper prototype based on the task of logging food.
Moving to High Fidelity
To create the prototypes it was fundamental to take the Persona, Jane, in consideration. The visuals had to incorporate elements known to her. An extensive study of visual aspects of other apps was conducted (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4). Don Norman’s (1988) 6 principles of interaction design also worked as guidelines. Finally, the heuristics evaluation indicated which elements needed to be fixed before producing a version to be tested with the users.
Figure 3. Comparison of bottom navigation elements.
Figure 4. Comparison of navigation and features between other apps.
Following the study of visual elements and the critique of the last paper prototype, a more elaborated prototype emerged (Fig. 5). One of the prominent features was the addition of a chatbot named Rockie. Chatbots are platform independent, allowing for a single implementation throughout any device.
Instead of an approach where the user would need to click in different areas to log the food intake, the team proposed a solution where the interaction with Rockie would handle different input methods (photo, text, voice) and give information as requested by the users. The old user interface would still be available at the top, but Rockie would be the landing feature.
As verified during the Perception Test, the visual guidance improved the user’s ability to guess more precisely the weight and calories of food items. Therefore, a visual guide was added when inputting food elements without a scale (Fig. 5 – Text entry 4).
Loading screen
Text entry 1
Text entry 2
Text entry 3
Text entry 4
Text entry 5
Photo entry 1
Photo entry 2
Recipe suggestions 1
Recipe suggestions 2
Capturing user’s feelings
Food diary
Selecting elements from the list
Figure 5. Emerged prototype after team’s critique of last iteration (Fig. 2).
Finally, another round of self-evaluation was done to arrive at the prototype that was going to be presented to the users (Fig. 6) during the first user tests.
Video 2. The last prototype self-evaluated by the team.
Levey, Y. (2016, July 27). How to: Run a Crazy Eights exercise to generate design ideas. [https://www.iamnotmypixels.com/how-to-use-crazy-8s-to-generate-design-ideas/]. Accessed 15 April 2018.
Norman, D. (1988).The Design of Everyday Things. Basic Books, 2013.
According to Usability.gov, Usability Testing is a research technique used to evaluate a product or service. The tests have been performed with participants that are a representation of the target audience. Each participant tries to perform the tasks while an observer watches, listens and writes down notes about the test.
It is important to note that the focus of the Usability testing is to observe what people do instead of what they say.
The relevant sections of the checklist suggested by Loranger (2016) were followed for the Usability testing.
The goal of this research was to test the prototype and find usability problems in the screens that were not detected during the self-evaluations and the guerilla testing. Additionally, the aim was to gather behavioural data about how the participants felt about the proposed method of logging food via a chatbot.
The tests were performed in different locations. According to Nielsen (2012), it almost doesn’t matter where you conduct user testing. Therefore a travelling usability lab was set up.
The studies were moderated so the observations could provide richer design insights and opportunities to probe and ask for clarification. Finally, the tests were done with the participants and the observers in the same room to facilitate the detection of subtle cues.
Nielsen (1993) affirmed that with “5 users, you almost get close to user testing’s maximum benefit-cost ratio”. Therefore the tests were performed with five users in the first iteration and six users for the second iteration.
Participants were picked by identifying people that were within the results of the initial demographics research and people that matched the User Persona built previously.
Users were given specific tasks with a unique endpoint. The task was to log what they had for breakfast in 3 different ways: by text, by photo and by voice. The breakfast was set previously as 250 grams of avocado and 250 grams of toast (Fig. 2) to enable a timing comparison between different entry methods.
Figure 2. Avocado and toast picture that was placed in front of the participants.
A test pilot was run, and a few inconsistencies were found in the information sheet given to the participants.
After the tasks were performed, users were given a SUS questionnaire to subjectively measure the perceived usability of a product, followed by a short semi-structured interview before discharging the participants.
A test plan was put together (Annex 11) to work as guidelines for the observers.
Figure 3. The initial screen of the prototype.
First test
The screens were generated using Sketch and uploaded to InVision to display the prototypes in the devices used by the participants. The sessions were recorded in different ways, some tests were recorded with QuickTime Player, and other tests were recorded with a camera phone pointing at the participant’s hands and screen.
Video 1. Usability test performed with the user using the first prototype.
A total of six participants were included in this test, but one participant could not complete the tasks because of the issues with the prototype. Consequently, the data regarding this particular participant was discarded.
After the tests were performed, a list of issues was compiled in a table (Fig. 4), and a proposed solution offered to each problem detected.
The videos and notes can be visualised in Annex 12 and Annex 13, respectively.
Task unclear setting
Maybe tell users they are going to experience a bot integration. But not sure this is best solution.
Confused ‘Why is the app asking about breakfast?’
Change scenario state you're inputting info for breakfast, the time and situation.
Prototype reactions especially on the voice interaction
Insure another person conducts the user test with you. One to record task and one to act as the bot ‘Rockie’ and to the automatic reactions.
Users didn’t know what the plus meant
Make plus blue so it’s more clear and may add text ‘add’
People didn’t know they were talking to a bot
Make it clear they are talking to Rockie. Let ‘Hey! What’s for breakfast?’ take over the whole screen
Didn’t like the app was text and talking to them
Make it clear they can input information through the diary
Felt the interaction was too personal texting someone
Give them the option no to talk to the coach “Rockie”
Prototype reactions on text
Participants felt that the prototype was jumping and auto-populating the information
Prototype reactions especially on the voice interaction
Participant felt that the voice feature was inconsistent with real-life systems and therefore couldn’t complete the task.
Reactions on photo input
The simplest task to complete, however as an observer the participant accidentally clicked on "DONE".
Participants clicked on gets suggestions
Highlight button as the primary call to action within the screen
As the facilitator of the test it was difficult to guide the participant when it the prototype could not perform the task as expected.
Highlight within the usability study that the app tested today is a prototype and that there may be minor things they may find do not work as expected, however they should be highlighted.
Figure 4. Compilation of errors detected in the first user test.
A new series of sketches based on the proposed solutions were made (Fig. 5).
Figure 5. Sketches after the first usability tests.
Second prototype
Based on the feedback from the first iteration a new set of screens were generated using Sketch and recorded (Video 2, Video 3 and Video 4).
Initial screen to introduce the bot interaction.
Second screen with conversation pieces to aid the interaction with bot.
Third screen with 3 entry methods available.
Figure 6. Initial screen added to introduce the bot interaction.
Voice entry
Video 2. Voice entry example.
Text entry
Video 3. Text input example.
Photo entry
Video 4. Photo entry example.
User testing
The second prototype was tested with six users. A modified version of the information sheet (Annex 14) was given to the participants as some of the issues occurred because the high fidelity prototypes enticed the participants to believe that they were using a production version of MyFitnessPal.
Video 5. User test using InVision to display prototypes and Lookback to capture screen and image of the participants.
Even though there were issues during the tests, all users responded that they would prefer the proposed solution than the current MyFitnessPal. All videos and notes are available in Annex 12 and Annex 13, respectively.
A new table with problems detected and possible solutions for each item was compiled (Fig. 7).
By text: user wanted to click on the educational tool and it to react. ie it to appear as text.
Enable users to put in one piece of information at at time.
By text: People said they wouldn’t use ‘and’ but just input one piece of information at a time
Same as above
By photo: didn’t know you needed to click twice when confirming information.
Use an overlay to explain reaction. (was in original prototypes)
User felt they wouldn’t use voice
This input would need to be tested with the observer being in a different room as the user didn’t seem comfortable talking to the app in the front of another person.
Rockie’s character didn’t come across!
I think our only solution would be to test over a longer period of time
User laughed at the idea of entering the information by voice in front of someone else.
Voice test needs to be done remotely to have a good result
User had troubles with the microphone icon
Add the MICROPHONE icon beside the ADD NEW in the first screen so user don't have to make 2 clicks to find MIC icon.
User questioned if the voice feature would work with her accent.
Technology needs to be ready and well tested.
User hesitates when adding by photo.
Screen to add avocado and toast by photo needs to be clearer
Adding by photo, confirmation button is too far to reach
Move confirmation to the right side of the screen
Don't like the use of voice in front of other people
Voice test needs to be done remotely to have a good result
Participant expected to send in list format (Avocado > select weight > send, Toast > select weight > send)
Allow user to input in list format, this would also be similar to the current input where items are input individually
Participant laughed and wasn’t sure why letter were appearing assumed it was autocomplete.
Only make the letters related to the task tappable
Participant commented on allowing users to input the weight or amount manually
Provide an option in the screen below to add weight manually ( i think we previously discussed this, however, didn’t add to wireframe)
Participant recognised that the data was inconsistent between the task and the prototype
Include consistent data throughout the task/prototype
Participant commented that the weight of the bread isn't realistic ‘250g is a lot of bread’ would be better highlighted in slices ‘do people weigh bread?’
Update g’s to slices
Participant expected feedback/indicator of his recording on the screen before sending it. He might have been tapping the screen to see if anything happened as he had previously seen in the text task
Breakdown and update the steps in the voice task, in particular, the screen below offers no indicator that a voice recording has been sent
Figure 7. Compilation of errors that occurred in the second user test.
Most of the errors in both versions (Fig. 8 and Fig 9) were caused by issues with the fixed mental model set on the prototypes. In Test 2, this was the case for 11 out of 14 errors.
The times to perform the tasks (Fig. 11) increase in Task 2, the reason is that the second prototype a more realistic approach, the user had to type “avocado and toast”, and perform a full voice interaction with Rockie.
Figure 8. Errors per task.Figure 9. Errors per participant.Figure 10. Mean and median SUS Scores.Figure 11. Mean completion times per task.Figure 12. The preferred input method of the participants.
SUS Scores
User 1
User 2
User 3
User 4
User 5
Figure 13. SUS Scores of Test 1.
SUS Scores
User 1
User 2
User 3
User 4
User 5
User 6
Figure 14. SUS Scores of Test 2.
Test 1
Text Input Time
Photo Input Time
Voice Input Time
Total Time
User 1
User 2
User 3
User 4
User 5
* did not complete
Average Time
Figure 15. The timing of Test 1.
Test 2
Text Input Time
Photo Input Time
Voice Input Time
Total Time
User 1
User 2
User 3
User 4
User 5
User 6
Average Time
Figure 16. The timing of Test 2.
According to Sauro (2011), a SUS score above 68 would be considered above average, and anything below 68 is below average (Fig. 17). A score above 80.3 is equivalent to an A. The mean SUS score of the first test was 67, and the median SUS score was 62.5. The second test received a mean SUS score of 86.25 and a median SUS score of 90. This excellent progress resulted in a new and improved user journey (Fig. 18).
Figure 17. A comparison of the adjective ratings, acceptability scores, and school grading scales, in relation to the average SUS score.Figure 18. New journey map.Figure 19. Comparison of old (in green) and new user journey map (in blue).
Usability Testing (n/a). Retrieved from https://www.usability.gov/how-to-and-tools/methods/usability-testing.html
Loranger, L. (2016). Checklist for Planning Usability Studies. [https://www.nngroup.com/articles/usability-test-checklist/]. Accessed 15 April 2018.
Nielsen, J. (2012). Travelling Usability Lab. [https://www.nngroup.com/articles/traveling-usability-lab/]. Accessed 15 April 2018.
Nielsen, J., & Landauer, T. K. (1993). A mathematical model of the finding of usability problems. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – CHI 93. doi:10.1145/169059.169166
Sauro, J. (2011). Measuring Usability with the System Usability Scale (SUS). [https://measuringu.com/sus/]. Accessed 15 April 2018.